Surrendering a Pet
Imporant - Effective January 1, 2024, Windham County Humane Society’s old shelter building will be under construction/renovation. Shelter operations will move into the new addition. The reduction of physical space means WCHS must modify its operation. What this means:
Fewer dogs and cats can be housed onsite.
Animal intake will be prioritized to ACO drop-off and stray/lost animals.
Owners wishing to surrender their pets will be supported through our Rehoming program.
First, can we help?
If you need to surrender a pet due to behavior or medical issues, please give us a call to see if some of our services can help you keep your pet. We can provide food, veterinary care (including spay/neuter and vaccines) and behavioral counseling.
Rehoming your pet yourself
If you can no longer keep a pet belonging to you or to a family member, we recommend that you try to find a new home through the Adopt-A-Pet website. Going from one home to another is a much less stressful process than coming into the shelter. We take great care of our animals, but a home is always better than a kennel. In addition, research shows that you will do a great job of finding the next right home - you know your pet better than we ever can. If you need help getting your animal up-to-date on vaccines, spayed/neutered or to address another health issue before they go to their next home, make an appointment here.
Surrendering a pet to WCHS
If you need to surrender an animal to the WCHS, please fill out an Animal Rehoming Form. We will contact you to discuss your pet. Please note, surrenders are accepted on a space available basis and there may be a waiting list.
Feral or Barn Cats
Feral cats over 10-12 weeks old are very difficult to domesticate and are unhappy and stressed in a humane society environment. For these reasons, WCHS does not take feral cats into our facility. We do offer free trap-neuter-return for feral cats. Read More About This Program.
Rehoming a Pet
Rehome your Pet yourself through the Adopt-A-Pet website
Complete our Animal Rehoming Form